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1830 Gainsborough Rd
London, ON, N6H 5L2


London Ontario Bird Feeders, Bird Seed, and Gift store. We carry dog food & toys, bird houses, Squirrel Busters, candles, Batty's Bath, Bee by the Sea, and so much more. Come in and check us out! 


Bird Feeders, Bird Seed, and Gift Shop located in London! Follow along with our News from the Store!


Richelle Hunter

Over the past few weeks, if your garden is like ours, you may have noticed fewer visits to your nectar feeders, fruit feeders, etc. and far less sightings of the Baltimore Orioles. Orioles would have started their nest-building shortly after they arrived in May with visits to feeders so very often. Then, when they are nesting, you may hardly see them.

Now, over the last several days, we've heard their beautiful sound and witnessed their beauty once again as they have returned to the feeders!! It won't be long until they bring their families along with them, if they haven't already, so keep your feeders cleaned & filled, then sit back and enjoy the show!!

M Baltimore Oriole at the top of our tree

M Baltimore Oriole at the top of our tree


Richelle Hunter

Father's Day is this Sunday, June 18th!! Stop by, you never know what you might find! Our Garden Room offers a selection perfect for pretty much any occasion - birthdays, weddings, anniversaries and Father's Day!!

Just a portion of our Garden Room!!

Just a portion of our Garden Room!!


Richelle Hunter

With the first Heat Alert of the season in place in much of the area, please be reminded how important cool, fresh water is for everyone! Check on your elderly neighbours and others who may be affected by this heat.

If you have pets outside, make sure their water is fresh while also providing a cool place for them to stay. If you are offering water for the birds, either in a bath or flat dish, change and clean the container often and if you can place nectar feeders in the shade, this will help too. Sugar water needs to be changed often, especially in these very warm temps...for the good health of the birds. If your nectar has turned cloudy, it is past being 'good'.  Seed feeders will be better in the shade too.

American Robin taking a splash shortly after fresh water added this morning!

American Robin taking a splash shortly after fresh water added this morning!


Richelle Hunter

Quite often, you just never know who is going to visit the nectar feeders or dig in to an orange that you have placed for the nectar-loving birds like Orioles, Hummingbirds.  Ever since we put out our nectar feeders, the Downy Woodpeckers have stopped by several times a day for a sweet sip. Recently, the Red-bellied Woodpeckers have visited the nectar feeders and have been pretty much cleaning out the orange halves! In the past, other species have also visited these spots....always plenty of great entertainment in the garden!


Richelle Hunter

Our yard & garden remain busy with Robins soon ready to leave their cozy nest!  About a week ago ~ Just when we thought not much was happening in the Robin nest, this happened! 

The feeders were extremely busy throughout May with the new arrivals (Orioles, Hummingbirds, Rose-breasted Grosbeaks, Buntings) visiting the feeders so very often. Things have settled down somewhat as Orioles are mostly likely finished building their nests and probably incubating eggs while others may still be looking for the perfect spot! The visits by a pair of Hummingbirds have not been as frequent as in the past but we shall see what this new month brings! 

All in all, May was a great month around the garden with other cuties spotted....we look forward to this new month of June!


Richelle Hunter

It has actually been a bit more than a little breezy of late....but it hasn't kept the birds away from the feeders! Even the tiny Hummingbirds have managed to make it to the nectar feeders for their daily fill. The Baltimore Orioles are crazy right now too with it being difficult to keep up with all their visits....the oranges, grape jelly and nectar feeders are being replenished fairly often while visits to our offering of nesting materials continues!


Richelle Hunter

Along with all the feeders we have in our garden, over the past several years we have offered a spot for the birds to gather some of the items they might like to use in the construction of their nests. In the past we have used a peanut/wreath feeder while this year the hair, fur, string, etc. have been placed in a suet cage. We have this located next to our feeders and, needless to day, it has been a very busy spot with us having to refill it several times! It is so fun to watch as the birds fill their beaks with their desired material, then fly off to where they have decided to locate their nests.

F Baltimore Oriole gathers for her nest

F Baltimore Oriole gathers for her nest


Richelle Hunter

While some have had Hummingbirds around for a couple of weeks or more, our first one arrived this past Saturday. A few visits were observed at our feeders early that day, then again on Sunday, but we haven't noticed any since. We try to keep track of the happenings in our garden as much as we can but we know we do probably miss lots of stuff too! At any rate, hope you have your feeders out to welcome these wonderful tiny miracles of nature!!




Richelle Hunter

While many, including ourselves, had Orioles in our gardens a few weeks back, only to have them move on, it seems a major influx has happened over the last few days with reports of them from all around.  Along with a second male Rose-breasted Grosbeak, Baltimore Orioles arrived in our garden late yesterday afternoon!! Can the Hummingbirds, Indigo Buntings be far behind? If you haven't had your feeders out, or oranges, NOW is the time to do it! As well, if you are considering an offering of nesting materials, especially for the Orioles, it is also time to put these out....they will start building their nests so very soon! Enjoy...they certainly are a very welcome sight!!

Male Baltimore Oriole enjoying an orange May 8 2017

Male Baltimore Oriole enjoying an orange May 8 2017


Richelle Hunter

Seeing the sun in the sky along with the beautiful blue all around, certainly has brought a smile the last couple of days. The leaves have popped on many trees and everything is looking so very green. There has been much sadness across the country with flooding & other tragic events affecting so many areas, so many people.

With all of this in mind, we thought some yellow of the beautiful American Goldfinches might help to brighten this week even more. They have been quite busy around the Nyjer Seed Feeders, of late, and they are just so much fun to observe!


Richelle Hunter

Nesting season is definitely upon us with many birds having already hatched their broods while others are still searching for the perfect spot or have built their nests and are sitting on eggs. Migration is currently in full swing, so more birds are arriving to their breeding grounds, here or further north.

Many of you know about our fabulous selection of Bird Houses, but did you know that we also offer nesting materials for many of your favourites?

First of all, we must remind everyone - NEVER OFFER DRYER LINT FOR NESTING!  When it gets wet, it hardens & falls apart...not good for the health & welfare of any of the birds.

While many birds look for materials found in the wild (a reason to leave your yards & gardens a little messy, since birds will use dead grasses, leaves, twigs, feathers, moss, pine needles), they might also love materials you would enjoy offering.  We've had great success in the past providing Alpaca Wool, with the Baltimore Orioles using it for their nests. We've provided this in suet cages, wreath (peanut) feeders, etc., setting it out near our nectar feeders. The Orioles have come to know where it is and return to it year after year. (Dog hair works too!)  We have packages of Alpaca Wool available!

As well, this year we once again have cotton products that we've heard the Hummingbirds & Goldfinches love....other species may check it out too!! The cotton is perfect for many of these beauties. Stop by for all of these products....and see what happens in your garden! It is another form of great entertainment as the birds come calling this spring!!

Alpaca Wool & Cotton for Nesting

Alpaca Wool & Cotton for Nesting


Richelle Hunter

So very delighted to say that, even in these rainy conditions, the beautiful Rose-breasted Grosbeaks just arrived!! While we had been thinking that we didn't have too many birds around our garden today, a little birdie told us to have a look at our feeders. Sure enough, there she was in all her glory....a beautiful Rose-breasted Grosbeak!! It wasn't long til a male landed right beside her! These birds are a favourite for many of our customers....Make certain you are stocked up with Safflower Seed (they love it) and of course, Oil Sunflower...another favourite!! Listen to the tunes of these adorable birds...such fun to welcome to the garden!!

We now know that "our" Orioles, Hummingbirds, Buntings will not be far behind!!

Female (brown tones) and Male Rose-breasted Grosbeaks just arrived!!

Female (brown tones) and Male Rose-breasted Grosbeaks just arrived!!


Richelle Hunter

It is almost May....peak migration season and birding festival season! There are plenty of places to see the beautiful birds as they move across the area to their breeding grounds. Many will stay in this area, others will move further north. If you are interested in the festivals that will be happening shortly, mark your calendars and make your plans!  There are also many opportunities to see the beautiful birds along the Thames River and at the many conservation areas, ESAs, etc. in the London & SW Ontario area!!


Friends of Point Pelee Festival of Birds

Friends of Rondeau Provincial Park Events

Friends of MacGregor Point Huron Fringe Birding Festival

Long Point Bird Observatory

Friends of Rondeau "Festival of Flight"


Richelle Hunter

For the past several years, Baltimore Orioles have arrived in our garden around or on May 5th....Not this year! We just had one visit our nectar feeder!! If the Orioles are here, Rose-breasted Grosbeaks, Indigo Buntings & Hummingbirds will not be far behind!  Make sure you are ready for all of them....Grape Jelly, Nectar for Orioles; Nectar for Hummingbirds; Grosbeaks love Safflower Seed and Indigo Buntings love White Millet & Nyjer Seed!


Richelle Hunter

Hummingbird reported today in the Komoka, Ontario area!  South winds have brought the birds north with many sightings not that far from here!!  If your garden is like ours, there aren't yet many blooms or blossoms, so it will be important to get nectar feeders out to give the Hummingbirds a hand...they will be hungry after their long journey. We recommend not filling feeders to the top in order to avoid wasting food. If necessary, add some strips of brightly-coloured cloth, etc. the bring attention to your feeder.

Ruby-throated Hummingbird from May 2016

Ruby-throated Hummingbird from May 2016